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You won’t believe what this woman did to save her ‘best friend’ life

In order to cover the cost of her dog’s medical care, a caring dog owner is selling baked delicacies and even her own plasma.

Shana Lowell travels from Denham Springs to Baton Rouge twice a week to donate her plasma in order to raise money for the care of her 13-year-old Pomeranian named Kodiak.

Shana Lowell told the Humane Society of Louisiana (HSLA) that Kodiak is her only pet.

The veterinarian currently believes that Kodiak may have a bulging disc, slipped disc, or a spine infection.

However, they won’t be able to confirm the diagnosis until after the MRI findings are in. Unfortunately, Lowell was unable to pay the $2,500 to $3,500 cost of the MRI treatment.

In spite of this, the Maurepas household was determined to find a way to pay the vet fee. In order to make money for her cherished Kodiak, she quickly started selling baked products in addition to giving plasma.

‘I’ve spent 17 years working in animal rescue. I’ve spent thousands of dollars over the years rescuing homeless animals and assisting others financially with their pets.

I used to work in a well-paying position that allowed me to assist others, but I am now disabled.

Even while I attempt to save money for crises involving my own pets, funds are really low’ She composed.

‘This scenario with my dog/child/best friend has turned into an unbearable pain. Seeing him suffer makes me hurt.

Kodiak, who I’ve had for 12 years, has been by my side during some of the darkest times in my life, and I REFUSE to put him to sleep because I can’t afford to take care of him ‘ She went on.

According to KALB, the message continued, ‘I don’t anticipate a great lot because everyone has their own difficulties and money is scarce for so many people, but even if it’s $5, my heart is totally warmed from whatever support I get.’ Since then, the event has brought in over $6,500.

Many others, including Jeff Dorson, the director of HSLA, have been impacted by Lowell’s love and devotion to her dog.

‘Shana truly is a hero. I’ve never heard of somebody selling their plasma to raise cash for their animal’s medical expenses.

We are glad to support Shana’s cause, and I sincerely hope and pray that people in her neighborhood and the surrounding area will also assist Shana accomplish her objective ‘Dorson stated.

According to reports, Kodiak will continue taking steroids and anti-inflammatories. Lowell manages to earn enough cash for acupuncture and an MRI.

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