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Woman was looking for puppy to adopt, finds her dog who disappeared 2-years-ago

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Never lose your hope! You will someday find what you have been searching for. The world is full of pleasant surprises.

Aisha Nieves from Pennsylvania thought she was having a nightmare when she heard her beloved dog Kovu had been lost. She loved him very much and the thought that she wouldn’t see him again made her very upset.

She search for the dog almost everywhere in Allentown but all went to no avail.  She wished that she would meet her when she came home and would kiss her true friend. But her attempts to find her dog were in vain as his dog hadn’t left any trace.

However, wonders really happen in our lives.

After 2 years Aisha decided to adopt a new devoted friend. She started scrolling the adoption lists of Human Society. And what a great surprise for Aisha when she saw a familiar face on the lists. Kovu was on the list of adoption animals. Aisha’s heart started beating faster and faster.

She called Human Society and told her story. And after a few hours, the touching reunion occurred. Kovu recognized his master too and jumped on her when they met. They started hugging and kissing each other.

Aisha said that she would never let him loose again.

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