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Who ki||еԀ a ß|асk RеtarеԀ Cop? David Dorn was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

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After being found guilty of murder in July, Stephan Cannon, the man who was responsible for the Ԁеаtһ of former St. Louis Police Captain David Dorn, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of release this past week.

David Dorn received a phone call on the evening of June 2, 2020, informing him that many alarms had been set off at a local pawn shop. At the time, the city had sunk into turmoil, and rioters were in control of the streets. The former police chief approached the criminals, one of whom was his assailant Stephen Cannon, and then shot Dorn before live-streaming the event. Cannon was one of the perpetrators.

Dorn had been a member of the St. Louis Police Department for 38 years before becoming the chief of police at Moline Acres, a position he held until his retirement in 2014.

According to Fox News, Cannon, who is 26 years old, was found guilty of first-degree murder, first-degree robbery, first-degree burglary, theft of $750 or more, unlawful possession of a firearm, and three counts of armed criminal action. He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

In addition to a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole for the charge of first-degree murder, Judge Theresa Counts Burke sentenced Cannon to 16 years for armed criminals action, 10 years for robbery, and 5 years for burglary.

Ann Wood Dorn, Dorn’s widow, testified that her husband “become a victim of the same thing he battled against” throughout the hearing.

“I hope your eyes are woke,” said Brian Powell, Dorn’s son. “I hope your eyes are woke.” “There is still time for you to put things in order and make peace with your creator,” the speaker said.

In the beginning of this year, Mrs. Dorn penned an article in which she expressed her viewpoint and criticized the Black Lives Matter movement, Kamala Harris, and George Soros for the hazardous ideas that they support.

“When David was a young boy, he always wanted to be a superhero, so he ended up becoming a police officer. And he was a hero in his own right,” Mrs. Dorn elaborated. However, if there are real-life superheroes, then there must also be supervillains. Those supervillains are individuals just like the one who took the life of my husband.

“They are people who use their power and influence to promote extremist ideas and fan the flames of divisiveness, and an example of one of these persons is the billionaire George Soros. They are people like Vice President Kamala Harris, who raised money for the rioters’ bail funds, and the CEOs of prominent companies who blindly gave their support and money to this,” the widow lambasted in the opinion piece. She added, “If a foreign organization were tied to nationwide rioting in the United States, we’d probably call it a terrorist organization.”

Soros has consistently provided financial support to the election campaigns of left-leaning district attorneys across the country. As a result, many of these prosecutors have advocated for policies that are lax toward criminals and have made it possible for offenders to get out of jail early or receive reduced sentences.

According to the Daily Wire, Vice President Harris tweeted a link to the Minnesota Freedom Fund the day before Dorn passed away. This fund raised bail to let rioters out of jail after they were arrested during demonstrations over the Ԁеаtһ of George Floyd.

David was neither a member of or a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement. “I tried to explain to him that Black Lives Matter didn’t actually do anything to improve the lives of black people, so he just didn’t get it,” she said. “During the same year that David was murdered, more than a dozen children were shot in St. Louis, and Black Lives Matter was never present at any of these events. Their existence was important.

However, the thousands of people who rioted around the country have not yet been brought to court, despite the fact that it is good that justice has finally been served to his killer. The life of Captain Dorn mattered, and it is good that justice has finally been given to his killer.

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