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Watch the Incredible Viral Video of a Firefighter Catching a Jumper in the Air.

Tomas Jaunzems, a firefighter from Latvia, has become a hero on a global scale when a video was taken of him in 2018 performing his normal duties. However, you shouldn’t be misled by the fact that he is “just doing his job.” When the firefighter caught the jumper in mid-flight, he pulled her into a window to save her life. The woman had been in the air for some time.

Heroic Firefighter Apprehends Suicide Attempting Jumper

Tomas Jaunzems, a Latvian firefighter, was part of a team that responded to a call alerting the Latvian State Fire and Rescue Service to a woman who was threatening to jump from a window on the fourth floor of an apartment building.

Because the caller suspected the woman was suicidal, Jaunzems and his rescue team rushed to a lower floor and prepared themselves by putting on harnesses for stability. Jaunzems was prepared, with the window open and his gaze upward.

Meanwhile, someone watching the scene from inside the building captured the firefighter catching jumper and pulling her into the window with the assistance of a second firefighter and another man. The video shows Jaunzems being dragged partially out the window before catching the woman and lifting her back up and into the building.

On Twitter, you can watch the video here:

Hero, Tomas Jaunzems

Given that Jaunzems is a firefighter, it is reasonable to wonder what kind of preparation he has received for this event and whether or not the scenario in which the firefighter catches the jumper is one that he has encountered or performed in the past.

According to Jaunzems, the brave deed that he performed was a first for him.

In an interview with the employees of the website Bored Panda, Jaunzems said, “It was the first time I had done this.” “This is not something that we have been practicing.”

In spite of the fact that Jaunzems had never been a part of the “firefighter catches jumper” scene in the past, this does not imply that he had never engaged in any other astoundingly heroic deeds in the past. At this point in time, he had been a member of the firefighting and rescue team for a total of five years. Speaking to Bored Panda, he stated, “It is nearly impossible to tell you what the most difficult thing was during that day because every day in the lives of firefighters is different [and] challenging.” Helping other people is what we specialize in, therefore that’s what we do.

According to Jaunzems, the desire to “be his country’s patriot” was the driving force behind his decision to join the State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia.

Following the valiant action in which this firefighter catches a jumper, Rihards Kozlovskis, Latvia’s Minister of the Interior, presented Jaunzems with an award in recognition of his courageous actions.

The Public’s Reaction to the Heroic Firefighter

Many people have had the opportunity to voice their opinions regarding the “firefighter captures jumper” video and the hero who was responsible for it due to the fact that the film has gone viral and Jaunzems has become a hero on an international scale.

After watching the video on Facebook, one user commented, “I swear that firefighters NEVER receive the attention that they deserve…

amazing!!!!! SALUTE.”

Another user who thought the jumper represented a man said, “My heart skipped a beat watching but incredible well done, what a star and hope young lad gets the care he needs.”

Another individual referred to Jaunzems as “Wonderful Man” and remarked that “That is a super feat.” He is most likely the only man in the history of the entire planet to have ever accomplished it.

When analyzing the suffering of the woman who had attempted suicide, some individuals stated that suicidal ideation does not put an end to suffering; rather, it merely transfers it to another person.

One user offered some words of encouragement and comedy, saying things like “I hope she gets the assistance she needs and that firefighter finds a good chiropractor.”

A user named Keri Lynn Courtwright had some words of wisdom to share from an interview she’d seen with another person who’d lived after surviving an attempt at suicide. Although some of the people who were commenting on the video posted on Twitter whether someone who wants to commit suicide should be stopped, Keri Lynn Courtwright had seen the interview. Courtwright stated, “So someone talked to a man who tried to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge but ended up surviving.” He stated that the moment his hand moved away from the railing, he immediately regretted it and was thankful that he was able to continue living. The majority of those who managed to escape have reported having similar thoughts and feelings. Therefore, the fact that they were in the process of making that choice at that particular moment does not mean that they actually desired to pass away and vanish from existence forever.

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