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The Catch Of A Lifetime: A Man Saves A Toddler Who Falls From The Sixth Floor.

You don’t need to look any farther if you’re interested in finding out what the popular phrase “at the right place at the right time” actually means.

Watching a video of a man in Tongxiang City in East China saving a young girl who had fallen from a building would undoubtedly get your heart racing.a

According to China Daily, Shen Dong was ready to enter the bank where he works when all of a sudden he heard a tremendous bang coming from the building that was located across the street from where he was. Shen did not waste any time in going to investigate what had taken place. At that point, he made the discovery that a young child had fallen from the sixth to the second level and had landed on an advertisement board.

Shen did not have the opportunity to understand what had just taken place because the toddler took another tumble, and this time, she was heading in the direction of the basement of the structure. Thankfully, Shen opened his arms just in time for the little girl to land in the sweet spot he had prepared for her. This entire rescue appears like it came straight out of a movie, yet in reality, it took place.

Shen not only apprehended the toddler, but also took her to a local medical facility once she was found. Although she did sustain some injuries as a result of the fall, those wounds were not nearly as severe as they might have been if Shen had not been there to break her fall.

Watch the nail-biting rescue in the video below, and don’t forget to tell a friend about Shen’s valiant rescue efforts.

Heroes don’t always have to wear capes, but Heroes are among us.
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