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The Best Goodbye: Hospital Staff Sends Preemie Home After 19 Months of Care

At 2 years old, Bradi Foster is finally getting used to living in her family’s home in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Until recently, the only home the toddler has ever known is a hospital room at Franciscan Children’s Hospital in Boston. Born premature at 25 weeks gestation, Bradi has been fighting for survival since day one. She was born with a host of health problems and even required cardiac surgery.

The Best Goodbye

In addition to that, Bradi required the use of a ventilator and supplemental oxygen. It took her many sessions with a physical therapist over the course of several months before she was able to wean herself off of complete IV nourishment. According to her mother, Darlene Foster, she did not start making significant progress in her fight against her health problems until she was able to consume some pureed food by mouth.

When she was 19 months old, it was time to finally say goodbye to the medical staff members who had made it possible for her to leave the facility. On the day that Bradi was eventually discharged from the hospital, it was an emotional yet joyful farewell. Everyone who worked in the pediatrics unit came to wish her well and give her a happy farewell.

Darlene noted that all of her patient’s medical professionals, including her physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapist, were present, cheering her on and blowing bubbles for her. “After 19 months, there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel.”

With the help of a specialized adaptive backpack, Bradi was able to leave the hospital while still having her gastrostomy tube in place. Because a backpack can carry all of the necessary feeding equipment inside of it, it enables people to move around freely without having to be attached to a machine.

Bradi is making the most of her time at home by familiarizing herself with her three elder sisters as well as the family dog. The child may be seen beaming with happiness in each and every photograph of her that has been taken.

“She’s just thrilled to be alive and delighted to love everyone,” Darlene explained. “She’s just happy.” The fact that she has never seen the dog before is a significant factor. Because she hasn’t seen her sisters since July, the fact that she will finally get to meet them is a really big event.

The struggle that Bradi had with her health left an indelible effect on the family, both for the better and for the bad. Even though it was certainly a “emotional roller coaster,” their eldest daughter was motivated to the point that she now wants to become a pediatrician because of the medical professionals who took care of Bradi.

There is always a bright side to things! We are overjoyed that Bradi was finally able to return home after being hospitalized for such an excessively lengthy period of time (two years). That grin of hers is one that might make us stare at her for the entire day!

Don’t forget to share this Bradi’s story to welcome her home.

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