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Labrador Guide Dog O’Hara and Her Human Have Formed the Perfect Partnership

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Bella Savanna is a sweet girl who suffers from Stargardt disease. She lost most of her vision and had serious problems with sight. At night she didn’t see anything.

Her doctor offered her a guiding dog. It was definitely the best option for such a case.

So Savanna started to look for a proper guide dog. When she found O’Hara they knew from the first meeting that they would become best friends for life.

Savanna was a biology major student. She learned her lessons with pleasure and attended all the classes. But without O’Hara university life would be much more difficult. O’Hara accompanied her. Helped her attend the laboratory and most importantly helped her understand who she was. She finally understood that maybe she couldn’t see the outlines of objects or people but she is still a human being with many advantages.

Soon they will graduate together and O’Hara also will have his role in this vital situation of Savannah’s life.

When O’Hara puts her harness on she becomes the eyes of Savanna. She is like a “ lady boss” accompanying Sofia. When she puts it out O’Hara becomes a very playful and lovely dog.

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