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Bruce Springsteen, 72, becomes a first-time grandfather to a sweet little girl.

The achievement of becoming a grandparent is a significant achievement, and one that many parents eagerly anticipate. And our most beloved rockstar, Bruce Springsteen, has officially become a member of the grandpa club.

Bruce Springsteen is a household name, and we all adore him. The artist has had a string of phenomenally successful singles throughout the years and will always hold a special place in the affections of multitudes of people all over the world.

Now that Bruce Springsteen has accomplished a personal milestone, of course his followers are excited to celebrate this achievement alongside him.

The musician, who is now 72 years old, recently became a grandfather to a lovely young girl whose name is Lily Harper Springsteen. On her Instagram account, Springsteen’s wife Patti Scialfa Springsteen broke the news to the singer’s legion of devoted followers.

Samuel Ryan Springsteen, who is 28 years old and Springsteen’s youngest kid, gives birth to a daughter named Lily. Sam and his fiancee are the parents of their daughter. The Jersey City resident, who is 28 years old and works as a firefighter, does not speak much about his personal life.

But it was only natural for excited grandma Patti to tell her audience about the arrival of her first grandchild after she became a grandmother for the first time.

The training to become a firefighter was challenging for Sam. Even his father spoke to the media, saying things like, “It was a difficult journey. When speaking about the occasion of his swearing-in ceremony, it was said that he had been very dedicated for quite a few years, and that “we are really delighted for him today.”

Concerning his other children, each one of them can point to significant achievements that they have accomplished. Jessica, his daughter, is a member of the United States equestrian jumping team and is an Olympic athlete. She is 30 years old and competes in horseback riding competitions. In addition to that, she brought home a silver medal for her nation in the competition.

Even though he has not yet released any songs under his own name, the couple’s oldest son Evan Springsteen is also a vocalist, just like his artist parents. However, he has not yet followed in their musical footsteps.

As for grandpa, Bruce Springsteen is about to go on a tour throughout the world. Even at his advanced age, the rocker shows no signs of slowing down! We have no doubt that Lily will be overjoyed with the prospect of having a historical figure serving as her grandfather.

What wonderful news for the Springsteen family, who have many reasons to rejoice at this wonderful development.

Spread the word to your loved ones and close acquaintances that Bruce Springsteen is going to be a grandfather!

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