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Best Brother Raises Funds To Feature Down Syndrome Sibling In Film

When Luke Johnson was growing up, he didn’t see a lot of role models on film who had Down syndrome or were otherwise affected by the condition.

David Johnson, Luke’s younger brother, has been diagnosed with Down syndrome. Luke and David are inseparable friends who enjoy laughing together and Luke considers David to be one of the funniest persons in his life. Making movies using a VHS camcorder was one of their favorite activities when they were younger, and it was this pastime that eventually led Luke to pursue a career in the film industry.

Luke remarked that ever since the moment he was born, our family has counted him as one of the most significant blessings. Since the moment he was born, he has been the source of much joy and laughter in our family. As we were growing up, we used our old VHS camcorder to record some hilarious home movies. We would simply film anything and anything that could bring a smile to our faces.

Luke made a pact with David ten years ago, saying that he would one day turn him into a movie star. Luke has been employed in the film production industry for more than a decade at this point, and he believes that the time has come for him to make good on his promise!

Luke spent a lot of time considering what kind of story he should write for David, but in the end, he decided that telling the truth would make for the most compelling tale. The film is going to be a heartfelt buddy comedy about a road trip, and it will be based on a little event in their history together that neither brother has ever forgotten.

It all started with a trip that Luke’s family took to Hawaii when Luke and David were still young. While there, David met a girl named Naria and immediately fell in love with her. He let everyone around him know that he planned to marry her one day, but there was a problem: he forgot her phone number and address; the only thing he had left was a picture of her. He informed everyone that he meant to marry her one day.

Luke was motivated to write a narrative about two brothers embarking on a journey across the country to find Naria since David had kept that photograph on his desk for many years.

The brothers are going to face challenges along the way, and one of those challenges will come from Luke himself, who has battled substance misuse for many years. In the movie, Luke is going through rehab and is making efforts to maintain his sobriety. David, much as he does in real life, does not fully comprehend Luke’s addiction; yet, he is able to provide the encouraging and loving support that Luke has always relied upon to pull him out of his darkest hours.

Improvisation will play a significant role in the production of the film because David is unable to learn the screenplay by heart. David and Luke will both portray versions of themselves in the film, and Luke is excited to convey the story from David’s distinctive point of view. He is determined to rectify the reality that there just have not been enough movies starring people who have Down syndrome, since he believes there should be more.

To help fund the production of their movie, Luke has started a fundraising drive with the goal of collecting $200,000. Luke is optimistic that more people would contribute to their GoFundMe after they learn about his great brother and their ambition to make him a famous, despite the fact that they have only raised $33,800 so far from their campaign.

Luke remarked, “There have been some excellent strides made in entertainment featuring people with Down syndrome.” “But it’s important to continue shining a spotlight on these wonderful individuals,” Luke continued, “so that everyone can know what we know: that loving someone with Down syndrome brings joy to your heart, and a smile to your face, and they make the world a better place.”

Do you think that it would be fun to watch this movie with us? It seems like it was a roller coaster of emotions, and David is exactly the kind of movie star that we hope to see someday at the Academy Awards ceremony!

You can find out more about Luke and David’s movie by watching the video that has been provided below, and don’t forget to share it.

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