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After having 10 boys, this 39-year-old mother finally has a baby girl.

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The first mother in the United Kingdom to give birth to ten boys in a row has given birth to her 11th child, a girl.

Alexis Brett couldn’t believe it when she found out she was expecting a girl.

Alexis and her husband David had traveled 50 miles to a clinic that could tell her the gender right away, unable to wait until the birth.

“I was expecting to hear that we were expecting another boy. “My face was a picture when I found out it was a girl,” she told The Mirror newspaper.

The 39-year-old mother, who lives in the Scottish Highlands with her 44-year-old husband David, a train driver, said she was “over the moon” with her new son, Cameron.

“I was stunned, but overjoyed. “Now that she’s here with us, it’s an incredible feeling,” she told the Mirror.

Cameron has ten brothers ranging in age from two to seventeen.

“They’ve generally been much better behaved around her,” David said, “trying not to wake her up.”

“They also want to help with holding and feeding her, which is fantastic.”

Does 49 loads of laundry per week

Alexis says she would have preferred her 11th child to be a boy because all of her boys “are special” to her.

“We’re frequently asked if we had so many children because we were looking for that elusive girl.” I can honestly say ‘no.’ “Cameron wasn’t planned, but I was still happy,” she said.

Despite having four boys running around the house, Alexis despises mess and does 49 loads of laundry and vacuums every day.

“We’re definitely coming to an end,” Alexis says. “There will be none more.” I said it before, but this time I really mean it. I adore my current family.

“I never intended to have a large family, but now that I have one, I love it.”

Alexis, a part-time fitness instructor, said she’s having a lot of fun for the first time buying pink things.

What are your thoughts on having so many boys? I can’t imagine how many chores must be completed every day.

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