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A Dying Father Knows He Will Not See His Daughter Grow Up, He Records This Heartbreaking Message.

This young man, Nick Magnotti, who is shown in the video, was just 24 years old when he received the news that he had a rare kind of cancer called Mucinous Adenocarcinoma. It first manifested in his appendix and then gradually extended to the rest of his abdominal cavity. Nick never stopped smiling in spite of all the treatments, surgeries, and rigorous chemotherapy he had to endure, as well as the countless hours he spent in excruciating pain. He was only 27 years old when he lost his battle against cancer, but before he passed away, he left this video for his lovely 7-month-old daughter stating how much he loved her and how much he was going to miss her. Even though he went suddenly three months after the video was shot, he left behind something that will be treasured for the rest of time.

“The friendship that I’ve been able to cultivate. the depth to which my relationship with God has developed. I can only wish that everyone else could feel what I am experiencing right now. Magnotti states in his video, “I just feel very grateful.” [Citation needed]

“I just want to say how fortunate I feel that even though I’m going through this suffering, I’m having the opportunity to change lives, in the name of the Lord, I’m getting the opportunity to serve people,” she said.

Throughout the entirety of the film, Magnotti provides evidence of his faith in God and expresses appreciation to God for the blessings that he has received.

“I don’t have a morbid fear of dying. If you are a Christian, you may confidently state that you do not fear death since you believe the afterlife awaits you in a more wonderful place. But the desire to feel frightened is inherent in the human condition,” Magnotti explained. “I am aware of the reasons why I do not feel afraid. I am certain that it is due to the fact that God has bestowed upon me His serenity and blessing.

“Just talking to God about how I know that even if I’m not here, that he’s her Father, that he’s going to take care of her, he’s going to protect her, he’s going to watch out for her, he’s going to provide for her.”– Nick Magnotti

Nick was taken from us too soon. On January 9, 2014, Alyssa wrote the following on her blog: “Nick departed quietly Tuesday morning, in my arms, after a 2.5 year struggle with appendix cancer at the age of 27.” The past two days and a half spent away from him have been a haze, as well as an insane roller coaster ride consisting of extraordinary highs and dreadful, terrible lows. I am overjoyed that he is now with Jesus and that he is finally free of cancer, but at the same time, my heart is torn for me.

“Even though this is the worst thing that could possible happen to me and my newborn girl, God is always present. This is the worst thing that I could have possibly imagined happening.” He is present, and even though I do not comprehend the manner in which he operates, I have decided to believe him. I have faith that you will be able to as well.

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