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A 7-year-old boy donates his piggy bank to hurricane relief, igniting a wave of generosity.

When Dominic D’Andrea of Illinois learned that there were people who required assistance, he did not think twice before offering his assistance.

On the drive to school, Jaclyn D’Andrea, his mother, and he got into a conversation about it. It would appear that he observed that she had been troubled by Hurricane Ian, which is what prompted her to explain what a hurricane is and why it was so upsetting. The wheels in Dominic’s young mind started to turn at that precise moment.

Dominic had an extremely thoughtful plan that he wanted to share with Jaclyn when he got back to his house the same day. He wanted to give the two hundred dollars that he had saved up in his piggy bank, which he had most likely done so by working very hard. He felt that this would be the best way to assist the people who had been impacted by the hurricane.

Dominic explained, “I was actually saving up for a Corvette or an electric scooter but people need this.” “I was really saving money for a Corvette or an electric scooter.”

Because Jaclyn wanted to show her husband, who was away at work at the time, how much she treasured this moment by capturing it on camera, she decided to also post it on her social media accounts. Nevertheless, she never in her wildest dreams would have guessed it would become as popular as it is now. People from all parts of the country have now emulated Dominic’s example and are donating money in response to the hurricane.

In point of fact, people have been sending money to the D’Andrea family, and because to their generosity, the D’Andreas are now in a position to drive three semi-trucks loaded of goods all the way down to Florida on their own. One of their significant contributions came from Jaclyn’s place of employment, EXIT Realty Corp.; more specifically, Tami Bonnell, the Co-Chair, contributed ten thousand dollars.

You can follow them on their journey through social media, including on a Facebook page that is named Dominic’s Hurricane Relief.

“Thank you very much for all of your donations because that is how we were able to get these semis and palettes full of supplies to send to Fort Myers, Florida,” Jaclyn said. “We really appreciate everything that you have done.” “I cannot express how grateful I am for all of the love and support.”

Watch the touching video below to see Dominic start a chain reaction of generosity, and don’t forget to pass it on to your friends and family.

@jax.dandrea #floridastrong #hurricaneian2022 #helpingothers #raisingkidsbelike #donate #supporting #hurricaneiansupport #upliftingothers #dedicationfromachild #givingbackmovement ♬ original sound – Jaclyn D’Andrea

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