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Virgin Mary Statue in America “crying”

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eople who went to the Catholic Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Hobbs City, located in southeastern New Mexico, on May 22 reported that they observed a statue of the Virgin Mary crying, comparable to the occurrence that has occurred over several years. According to The Hobbs News-Sun, the event lasted for hours the previous Sunday (on May 20).

Judy Ronquillo, who works as an administrator at the church, saw that Virgin Mary was crying again.

On May 22, Ronquillo was present inside the church when the event took place. According to the manager, Ronquillo, the bronze figure reportedly started “crying” as the congregation of worshipers reached the conclusion of the rosary (reciting the rosary while reciting the rosary).

Mrs. Ronquillo remarked on how lovely the scene was. “The tears that fall from the statue are not like human tears; rather, they have the consistency of oil and smell like roses.”

On May 20, Laura Cisneros, a parishioner, and her family attended the prayer session, and when they saw the statue, Laura described herself as being “in tears.” After two days, she returned to the location and reported that it made her feel “wonderful.”

Virgin Mary Statue in America “crying”

People from all around the state of New Mexico, as well as from the towns of San Antonio and El Paso and western Texas, reportedly went to the church to see the statue “cry.”

One of them is Brian Morales, and he hails from Odessa in the state of Texas. Morales is convinced that God spared his life after he was involved in an automobile accident a year ago. After that, Morales thought he had passed away, and then he saw a bright white light and encountered God.

“God reached out and touched me,” Morales stated. Since I’ve met him, a lot of things in my life have changed, and I felt like I needed to come here. Since God chose to give me life, there must be a purpose for it. I want to get a college education first, and then I want to help individuals who have cancer. It is quite incredible to see what is taking place with the statue of the Virgin Mary at this church.

he bizarre occurrence prompted officials from the state of New Mexico to travel to Hobbs on May 24 in order to investigate it. Oddity Central says that the church will be closed for four hours so that experts can look at the statue and take samples of the tears that fall from it.

If the authorities want to determine whether or not this is a strange occurrence or just a hoax, they will need to investigate the monument, obtain witness statements, and look into what happened in the past. It is estimated that this whole procedure will take a number of years. On the other hand, parishioners who had the chance to witness water falling from the eyes of the statue of Mary were uninterested in this inquiry. They claimed that the experience had changed their perspective on the phenomenon. This is nothing short of a miracle in their eyes.