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Miracle: The image of Our Lady carved on the tree trunk is still intact after the fire

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A call was placed to put out a fire that was taking place in a poplar tree in the AHome forest. Responding to the call were two firefighters from Florida named Los Mochis and Jose Manuel.

When the two firefighters came, they were utterly taken aback when they found that the entire trunk of the tree had almost entirely been consumed by fire. However, the picture of Our Lady of Guadeloupe that had been carved by someone on the trunk had been preserved.

The photo is not nearly as smoky or dusty as it formerly was, and it is still mostly gorgeous. I was taken aback and could not believe my eyes when I saw two firefighters prostrate themselves and pray.

I pray that Mother Guadeloupe would bless me and everyone else on the planet with peace. Amen!

The statue of Our Lady remained intact after the fire in an extraordinary way.

The Guadarrama infantry brigade is stationed in the El Goloso military post, which is located close to the capital of Spain. The fire broke out at this location. Several Spanish blogs, such as Infovaticana and Religión en Libertad, report that the fire started spontaneously and quickly got out of control, devouring all of the surrounding vegetation in the process.

After the blaze was put out, the firefighters were taken aback when they discovered a statue of Our Lady of Germany that had survived the blaze unscathed and standing in the midst of the rubble. Even more surprising was the fact that the grass around the statue had not been scorched by the flame, nor had the flower branches in the vase where the mother’s glass had been placed. It was as though the flame had shown respect for the area around the statue of Our Lady.

The fire broke out on the 30th of July, in the midst of a heatwave that had engulfed Spain. The firefighters were at a loss to explain how the statue escaped the fire unscathed, or how the flowers managed to avoid being charred or scorched by the intense heat. This story soon went popular on social media, and while some people suspected it was a fake, subsequent investigations removed any and all concerns about the veracity of the claims. The picture makes it quite clear that the ground has been totally consumed by fire, with the exception of the area immediately surrounding the monument.

In point of fact, the vast majority of the soldiers were completely unaware that their garden had a statue of Our Lady. However, there were a few individuals who held a particularly high regard for Our Lady and desired to be in the presence of Our Lady of Germany. In addition, the statue has been honored in numerous official ceremonies that have taken place at the base.

The investigation conducted by the government appears to be thorough enough to provide light on the natural elements of the occurrence. There are some truths that are beyond the capacity of human understanding to comprehend; nonetheless, these realities can be described through faith. In order to provide an explanation for something, scientific research and religious belief need to collaborate.

Up until this point, this story demonstrates that Our Lady has been watching over and providing unique protection for this unassuming statue. And everyone can take something away from this experience. Unanticipated occurrences have the potential to consume a planet rife with peril and evil.

In the not-too-distant future, in the midst of catastrophes that we can’t even begin to imagine, Our Lady will assist us in making it through this time without fear or fury. And with her is the devotedness of the people that follow her. And those who believe, even if they are a minority group that is rejected by the majority of the godless, will nonetheless be acknowledged and retained as children of the Kingdom. This will be the case even though the majority of the godless reject them.