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Living the mystery of the Rosary in the midst of everyday life

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The Word of God calls each of us livung the mystery of the rosary, diligently reciting and praying. Amen

I. Learn God’s Word (Living the mystery of the Rosary)

1. Gospels: Lk 1,26-38

When Elizabeth was six months pregnant, God sent the angel Gabriel to a small town in Galilee called Nazareth, to be engaged to a virgin named Joseph, from the house of David named Mary. The angel entered the Virgin’s Palace and said, “Rejoice and be full of grace, the Lord is with you.” Hearing this, she was very puzzled and didn’t know what such a greeting meant. The angel said to him, “Don’t be afraid, Mary, for you love God very much. Behold, she will conceive and bear a son, and he will call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Lord. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. He will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and his reign will never end.”

Mary said to the angel, “How can this happen, because I do not know the relationship between husband and wife!” The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you. Therefore, the Holy One who is to be born will is holy, and shall be called the Son of God.” Behold, your relative Elizabeth, though old, has given birth to a son: she is still known as a rarity and is now six months pregnant. Because nothing is impossible with God. “

Then Mary said, “Yes, I am the handmaiden of the Lord. May God do for me as the angel said.” Then the angel left.

2. Main idea

The story of the Angel Gabriel’s Annunciation to the Virgin Mary shows God’s love and faithfulness in saving mankind. Mary’s attitude of listening to God’s Word, understanding God’s will, and quick “yes” must also be an attitude that we Christians need to learn from her when we pray the Rosary. Therefore, we will be able to build peace with her by conquering our own demons, sins, and vices. word of God

1. God’s Word: “Yes, I am the handmaiden of the Lord. May the Lord do for me what you have said” (Luke 1:38).

2. The story: “Living the mystery of the rosary”. The rosary brings peace to the church

In the 13th century, the heresy of Albigeois (Albigeois) appeared in southern France. Thanks to the rosary given by the Virgin, Saint Dominic was able to bring 150,000 pagans back to the Catholic Church in a very short time.

“Living the mystery of the Rosary” In the 16th century, Protestantism, founded by Father Luther, rose. With the support of princes, Protestantism spread throughout Europe. But the people of Luxembourg remain loyal to the Catholic Church. One day, a large group of people in the city were invited to church to hear a well-known Protestant pastor preach. A parishioner chanted the rosary as the priest stepped up to the church podium, and the entire church chanted the rosary aloud, preventing the priest from starting his sermon. Finally, he had to get down from the pulpit and leave the church. It is through the Rosary that Luxembourg City has been able to maintain its Catholic faith.

In 1571, the King of Turkey sent thousands of warships to invade European countries. The general who led the invincible army arrogantly threatened to turn Italy’s Roman and Catholic capital into stables. At that time, Pope Pius V called on the kings of Europe to unite to support and form a cross army from Italy and Spain to go to the front to meet the enemy. On the other hand, he also called on every Catholic in Europe to diligently recite the rosary and ask for Mary’s help.

On October 7th, a brutal battle took place in the Gulf of Lepante. Despite the small numbers and poor weapons, the army of the Cross achieved a glorious victory and stopped the enemy’s advance. The ships of the 10,000 Muslim armies were fully equipped. armed. After hearing the news of his victory in Rome, Pius V appealed to everyone present to give thanks to God, for it was through the powerful intercession of the Mother of the Rosary that the Church was freed from the cataclysm of destruction. Later, Pius V also ordered the establishment of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7 every year to express gratitude to God and remember this historic event.

Before 1917, the Portuguese faith was in serious decline. The Catholic Church was persecuted by Freemasonry. Several churches were destroyed, many priests and monks were persecuted by the Masonic government, and many associations rose against the church. But since the Virgin appeared to three children in the village of Fatima and called for the implementation of the three commandments, mainly the prayer of the Rosary, the Church in Portugal has gradually become peaceful and safe. Many campaigns promoting the prayer of the Rosary seem to be asking the Mother of God to intercede for the motherland. Since then, Portugal has become the cradle of the Rosary.

The above-mentioned events show that the prayer of the Rosary is an effective way to bring peace to the Church and all the faithful. Every time she appears in Lourdes (France) or Fatima (Portugal), Our Lady calls everyone to pray the Rosary diligently. Where people diligently say the Rosary, the church will find peace there. Families who regularly recite the Rosary during family vigils will have happy harmony. Living the mystery of the rosary