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Carrot Cake Muffins Recipe With Cheesecake Fillings

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Whether they’re a delicious breakfast, snack or dessert, these moist Carrot Cake Muffins will be the best food you’ve put in your mouth all day. With smooth cream cheese filling inside and crunchy cinnamon streusel on top, I can’t decide which is my favorite part!

Carrot Cake Muffins with Creamy Cheesecake Filling

Since my first try with carrots in a dessert went very well, despite all the doubts that I had, there was nothing else left to do but to enter a new experiment. Yes! Like Schwarzenegger in the movie „Terminator“, my carrot said the unforgettable sentence „I’ll be back“. And since Easter is here, there is no better time for it. So, here we are again, talking about carrots.

This time, on the menu are one of the most popular muffins in the last year or two on Pinterest – Carrot Cake Muffins. This muffin was first seen on the great blog „King Arthur Flour“ and after that, I haven’t seen a famous food blogger that hasn’t tried this recipe. The thing that makes it really irresistible is the beautiful cheesecake filling which leaves the impression that the muffin simply melts in your mouth.

Breakfast Muffins with Cinnamon Streusel Crumbs

Well, ok, if my more famous colleagues from the blogging community tried it, this is the time for me to do it. But, in order not to copy-paste the recipe from the King Arthur Flour, I decided to make a little adaptation of my own. If you have ever been on my Bread & Muffin page, you must have seen that almost every one has to have streusel crumbs. Yes, everyone in my home simply loves these sweet crumbs, so the tradition was to be continued. My Carrot Cake Muffins will bi covered with this sweet addition and sugar and milk  glaze will be drizzled over it.

Easy Easter Muffin Recipe

As for the preparation of the muffins itself, you really shouldn’t have any difficulties or any problems. The steps are simple and the only question you have in front of yourself is how much cheesecake filling to put in your muffins. This time, I experimented with very little up to so much that the muffin simply melts in your mouth from the filling. It all depends on what you prefer.

And after about 20 minutes of baking, here is my kitchen again filled with the smell of carrot cake and a beautiful dessert or breakfast on my table! Muffins you can have for Easter or any other occasion. As for me, I won’t say that the Carrot Cake Muffins have beaten my favorite Raspberry Muffins. But my family was really delighted, so in a very short time, from the muffins, there were only some crumbs left on an empty plate. So if you a carrot cake lovers this is another recipe you should try.