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After jumping in front of a vicious dog to save his sister, a 7-year-old boy says he’s ‘proud of his scar.’

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A 7-year-old kid who leaped in front of a violent dog to save his younger sister says he isn’t embarrassed by the wounds the animal left on him.

In July of 2020, Bridger Walker was visiting a friend in Wyoming with his younger sister, who was 4 years old at the time, when a German Shepherd mix that was 1 year old lunged at them as they were playing outside in the backyard.

According to a story by NBC News in July 2020, which cited the parents of the children as sources, Bridger, who was 6 years old at the time, did not hesitate to jump in front of his sister to protect her and was bitten in the face by the dog.

The youngster required a total of ninety stitches to close the incision that was caused by the injury, and as a result, he or she was left with some pretty horrible facial scars.

On the other hand, Bridger was quoted as saying at the time, “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me.”

Even now, at the age of 7, the child adheres to such statements. His father, Robert Walker, remarked that his son doesn’t seem disturbed by his scar at all, and in fact, he seems to take pride in it.

“Both my wife and I approached him with the question, ‘Do you want it to disappear?’” “And he replied, ‘I don’t want it to go all the way away,’” the father of five stated in an interview with People.

“Bridger regards his scar as something to be proud of, but he also does not see it as being reflective of the daring act that he performed. He rationalizes it away by saying things like, “I was a brother, and brothers act like that.” It serves as a timely reminder that his sister did not sustain any injuries and that she is doing OK.

Nikki Walker, his aunt, told his tale to others at that time period. In a post to Instagram, the ecstatic aunt gushed over her heroic nephew, saying, “My nephew is a hero who saved his tiny sister from an attacking dog.”

She went on to say that he defended his sister by attacking the dog himself so that the dog wouldn’t get his sister. After some time had passed, he revealed his thoughts by stating, “If someone was going to die, I believed it should be me.” He was released from the hospital late last night and returned home. I’m aware that this is a long shot, but I’m trying to get in touch with the Avengers and other heroes so that I may inform them about the newest member of their team.

In her post, she tagged a number of celebrities who have played “superheroes,” including Robert Downey Jr., who is known for his role as Ironman, and Chris Evans, who is known for his role as Captain America. Both of these actors responded to the tale by recording video messages for the young hero.

However, Bridger’s father stated that his son does not feel at ease being referred to as a hero.

“It almost pains him sometimes when he’s named a hero because he [thinks], ‘Maybe I could have done more to shield her,’” he added. “When he’s branded a hero, he thinks, ‘Maybe I could have done more to shield her.’”

The family is overjoyed that so many of their son’s heroes have contacted out to provide support and encouragement.

“Chris Evans, his video was incredible, and he forwarded the shield,” she said. “Bridger couldn’t have been more thrilled about it,” said Bridger’s dad. “When he talked to Tom Holland, he was probably the most starstruck because that was a live call, so that one certainly left an impression on him… His mental healing was truly a team effort that involved people from all over the world, and we will always be grateful for that.

Despite the fact that Bridger has been subjected to a great number of operations, there is still more work to be done.

“We still have a little bit more work to do on the superficial, redness part of it, but structurally everything looks so much better,” said the dermatologist, Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali, who, after hearing his story, offered to fly him to his office in New York and treat him without cost. “We still have a little bit more work to do on the superficial, redness part of it,” he said.

“When Bridger is in junior high or high school, I want this to be a narrative he tells, not a memory he has to replay every day,” I always told Robert. “I want this to be a story he tells,” And I believe that circumstance will present itself,” the compassionate doctor continued.

Anne Hathaway and Mark Ruffalo are two additional Hollywood celebs who have reached out to express their support.